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Sweet Potato Pie

Posted by on July 7, 2012

Photo Courtesy Beverly & PackI’ve always wanted to go to the USA for their 4th of July celebrations. All countries have a magical air about them on their national day, and the USA isn’t the only country I’d love to visit during their special celebrations.

At home we often cook a country’s cuisine on their national day, so Independance Day is just another reason to try to cook interesting foods, and evaluate which cuisines we like.

For 4th July we opted for gourmet hot dogs, which many would turn their nose up at, but these were no ordinary dogs. Then to finish off the meal, we baked a sweet potato pie.

Here’s (loosely) the recipe.


Sweet Shortcrust Pastry

I’m in morbid fear of pastry. I usually get very angry at it because it’s troublesome. In light of this, I followed the Masterchef recipe.

Sweet Potato Filling

The filling recipe is mostly courtesy Oprah, but I did modify her version quite a bit in the spices end. This is a US version, so the weights are not metric, and the cup sizes are different to that in Australia.

  • 1 pound (2 medium) sweet potatoes, baked and peeled
  • 1 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 1½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp. ground cloves
  • 1 tsp. ground allspice
  • 1¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 2 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • ¼ cup (½ stick) butter, melted and cooled slightly


Preheat oven to 350°F.

In a food processor fitted with a metal blade, puree sweet potatoes.

In a bowl, mix together brown sugar, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and salt, breaking up any lumps.

In another bowl, whisk together eggs and cream.

Add spice/sugar mix to the pureed sweet potatoes, pulse until combined.

Add egg and cream mixture, pulse till combined, then pulse in melted butter.

Spoon filling into par-baked pie crust and flatten out the top. Bake for 30-45 minutes, until filling is set in the center.

Eat. It’s so yum!

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