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Coconut Caramel Sauce

Posted by on August 8, 2011

I’m rather caramel mad, even as a child I always ordered the caramel fudge sundae at McDonalds. So when I discovered how to make caramel, I was incredibly pleased with myself.

This sauce is so quick and simple to whip up, and goes on just about anything desserty.

Coconut Caramel Sauce Recipe

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 80ml water
  • 200ml coconut cream


  1. Place sugar and water in a saucepan, cook over a high heat until 165C, or golden caramel in colour.
  2. Remove from head. Add the coconut cream all at once. Whisk like a mofo until you have a smooth sauce.

Scary Recipe Notes

A little word of warning when adding the coconut cream. The boiling sugar is really hot. It will bubble furiously when you do this the first time it will really scare you because you’ll get lots of steam, and lots of bubbling.

Just keep whisking. The sauce cools really quickly, and you end up with a gorgeous smooth caramel sauce. Everyone in the house will want to lick the saucepan. Warn them, it’s hot!

Have a peek at Gordon Ramsay’s quick caramel educational video:

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